2020年Kong Audio最新版 – 唢呐 – Kong Audio Suona KONTAKT

P2P | 12 January 2020 | 5.8 GB

唢呐非常独特。这有点像铜管乐器和木管乐器之间的交叉。 唢呐的声音充满活力,毫不费力地发出刺耳的声音,刺耳的嘶哑和引以为傲的声音,炸毁了视线中的所有物体。



如今,Su呐在婚礼或宗教节日等当地基层活动中仍被广泛使用,特别是在农村地区。 ona呐的一些改良版现已成为大型传统中国乐团的官方乐器。




A hybrid crossover of brass and woodwind
Suona is rather unique. It is sort of a crossover between brass and woodwind. The sound of Suona is energetic, unapologetically harsh, abrasively brash, and proud-to-be-so-loud, blasting out everythings in sight.

The sound is simply wild.

Suona is believed to be derived from the Persian Zurna and slowly adopted by the Chinese in the course of history. By the time of the Ming Dynasty (14th – 17th century), Suona is documented as a prevalent instrument in China.

Today, Suona is still widely used at the local grassroot events such as weddings or religious festivals, especially in the rural area. Some modified versions of Suona are now the official instruments of large traditional Chinese orchestras.

Extraordinary Playability

ChineeSuona contains two different Suonas: a Big Suona in G (note range: D4-E6), a Small Suona in D (note range: A3-B5), with various types of legato, tremolo, trills and staccato, rolls and vibes playing styles.

Like all other Chinee Series instruments, the live playability of ChineeSuona is, again, the focus of the design. The audio demos here is an an exemplary showoff of what can be done with only one single Suona patch.

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