2020年Kong Audio最新版 – 古琴 – Kong Audio Chinee ChineeGuQin KONTAKT
P2P | 12 January 2020 | 2.25 GB
古琴通常伴有音调较低的长笛。 ChineeNanxiao或ChineeWinds中的其他xiaos是同伴的不错选择。音乐风格通常更个性化和内向。
凭借对中国乐器的真正了解,Kong Audio从头开始计划古琴。通过结合详细的采样和量身定制的Advanced Legato模式,古琴以其真实性重获新生。从音频演示中可以听到(这是使用ChineeGuQin的单音轨制作的,甚至根本不使用弯音),ChineeGuQin不仅可以捕捉声音,还可以捕捉“静音”(弦滑),这是古琴音乐必不可少的。
实时子集浏览器也很新,它可以根据传入的注释极大地帮助用户查看当前补丁中哪个子集处于活动状态。默认情况下,ChineeGuQin处于连音模式。可以使用Sustain Pedal将其切换到复音模式,使音乐家可以轻松切换演奏风格。在复音模式下,演奏风格通常分为两部分。
The Vivacious Vessel of Harmony
GuQin is among the few most distinctive and representative classical Chinese instruments ever. The written record of it can be traced back to at least 3,000 years ago.
It’s a zither similar to GuZheng, but since GuQin does not have bridges, it is far more versatile in terms of tones and playing techniques, it is also much harder to master.
GuQin has a special place in the Chinese history as a symbol of the high-culture of the nobles and intellectuals (Junzi, Superior Man). It’s also seen as the vessel for pursuing harmony. Even Confucius had played and taught GuQin. During the last two tumultuous centuries of China, however, GuQin’s tradition almost went extinct. Nowadays the Chinese have resumed the tradition and are trying to revitalize GuQin.
GuQin is usually accompanied with a lower-pitched flute in performance. ChineeNanxiao, or some other xiaos in ChineeWinds are good choices of companion. The music style is usually more personal and inward.
In 2003 , GuQin music is recognized as Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO.
About ChineeGuQin
With true knowledge of the Chinese instrument, Kong Audio planned GuQin from the ground up. By intertwining the detailed sampling and the tailored Advanced Legato mode, GuQin is brought back to life in its authenticity. As can be heard from the audio demo (which is made with ONE SINGLE track of ChineeGuQin, without even using pitch-bending at all), ChineeGuQin captures not only the sound, but also the “silence” (string-sliding), which is essential to GuQin music.
Also new is the real-time subset browser which greatly helps the user to see which subset is active in the current patch according to the incoming notes. By default ChineeGuQin is in the legato mode. It can be switched to polyphony mode using the Sustain Pedal, giving the musician an easy switch of the playing style. When in the polyphony mode, the playing style is usually played in two sections.
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编曲音源网 » 2020年Kong Audio最新版 – 古琴 – Kong Audio Chinee ChineeGuQin KONTAKT