声学校正软件 – Sonarworks Reference 4 Studio Edition v4.4.0 WIN MAC

Sonarworks发布了他们的第四代声学校正软件,Reference 4 -为更多声音工程师、制作人和音乐人带去可信赖的监听声音。

深受全球上万家录音室喜爱和信赖的Sonarworks软件,能够去除控制室以及其他位置的监听声染。96%的Sonarworks客户都表示,他们对自己现有的设备更加有信心了。有了新的Reference 4,音乐创作者可以更关注音乐的创作,而不再担心设备不准。


Reference 4引入了零延迟处理,为已经足够震撼的功能列表又新增了一项。没有延迟意味着,Reference 4插件可以用于人声和乐器的录音。需要得到输入端即时响应的音乐人终于能够完全依赖自己的监听系统了。

支持的耳机资源库也增加到了101种。因为提升了测量技术和测量采样大小,过去的预置做了更新,有了更好的精度。音箱测量模块也提升了可用性,每个人都可以在10分钟之内完成配置的测量。2017年底,音箱测量模块做了升级,对离监听不同听音距离的平均算法做了彻底修订。所有Reference 4的用户都将免费享受到这些功能。

Finally you can work with confidence on the setup you have. Sonarworks Reference 4 removes unwanted coloration from your studio speakers and headphones, so you can trust that you hear your mix accurately.
Reference 4 Studio Edition offers the full package of highly powerful software, providing consistent reference sound both in the studio and on the go. Measure your studio with a measurement mic, it takes around 10 minutes. Reference 4 then creates a calibration profile. For headphones select a pre-made profile, and you’re ready to go. Calibration can be run in DAW via plugin for lowest latency or via Systemwide for maximum versatility.

0. run Reference4Setup.exe & install software via Internet connection
1. register with any email
2. activate trial & wait while downloaded the headphone profiles*
3. apply antitrialTeam V.R
* – because the profiles are encrypted for the this hardware ID, they will not be valid for any other computer.
Also don’t use the Offline installer – he does not download and does not install headphone profiles.

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