脉冲合成器Output Signal v1.3 Kontakt
FAT模拟合成器和录制精美的现场乐器以突破性的方式结合在一起Output,Inc.是面向制作人,作曲家和音乐家的创新音乐软件开发人员,很荣幸地宣布发布全球功能最强大的脉冲引擎SIGNAL。 SIGNAL是一款革命性的软件乐器,致力于产生脉冲,将脂肪类模拟和数字合成器的温暖与有机乐器的美感相结合。
这款新仪器具有在洛杉矶和伦敦记录的庞大的40GB多动态和循环采样样本库。 SIGNAL的与众不同之处在于,它如何允许这些合成器和乐器在多个层次和节奏之间进行组合。使用基础的步进音序器,琶音器,LFO和SIGNAL的专有磁带LOOPER,您可以创建以前从未听过的声音。
“经过一年半的努力,我们很高兴将这种强大而鼓舞人心的乐器带给音乐制作人。” Output创始人兼首席执行官Gregg Lehrman说。 “这对我们年轻但正在成长的公司来说是一个重要的里程碑,我们很高兴听到人们创造的音乐。”
•大量内容– 40GB,包括模拟合成器,数字合成器和有机乐器
v1.3.1 – 2020-03-07
The New Way To PULSE
FAT analog synths and beautifully recorded live instruments combined in a ground breaking way
Output, Inc., innovative music software developer for producers, composers and musicians, is proud to announce the release of the world’s most powerful pulse engine, SIGNAL. SIGNAL is a revolutionary software instrument focused on generating pulses, combining the warmth of fat analog and digital synths with beauty of organic instruments.
Inspired by the realization that nearly all music is centered on a pulse, Output gathered a team of 70 designers and developers to build an instrument that pushes beyond conventional limits of synths and samples.
The new instrument features a massive 40GB library of multi-dynamic and round-robin samples recorded in Los Angeles and London. Where SIGNAL sets itself apart, is how it allows for the combination of these synths and instruments across multiple layers and rhythms. Using the underlying step sequencers, arpeggiators, LFO’s and SIGNAL’s proprietary tape LOOPER, one can create a sound not yet heard previously.
Though SIGNAL is a hefty engine, its interface was designed to be friendly for those who want to start up and play immediately. Those looking to dive into effects, mods and sound design, will find the Advanced section complete with all the depth one would want.
“After a year-and-a-half of hard work, we are beyond thrilled to bring this powerful and inspiring instrument to music makers.”, says Output Founder and CEO, Gregg Lehrman. “This is a big milestone in our young but growing company and we’re excited to hear the music that people create.”
•500 Pulse Instruments for instant playability
•A massive array of content – 40GB including analog synths, digital synths and organic instruments
•Up to 4 separate pulses at one time
•All pulses lock to tempo
•Rhythms: Looper, Step Sequencers, Arpeggiators, LFO’s
•4 central MACRO sliders unique to each of the 500 Pulse Instruments
•Effects control globally and per layer
•Convolution reverb engine
•Advanced mode for access to all parameters
•Copy and paste settings between layers
•Smart tagging preset menu
•Simple design and ease of use
v1.3.1 – 2019-03-07
Updated NKS images.
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编曲音源网 » 脉冲合成器Output Signal v1.3 Kontakt