影视科幻未来音效Audio Imperia Legacy v1.0.0 KONTAKT

(大小3.8 GB)Legacy是我们第一年最好的产品的集合,这些产品已合并到一个功能极其丰富的声音设计和音效产品中:Multiverse,Event Horizo​​n,Dark Dimensions和Terraform中的场景。Multiverse中的场景是令人印象深刻的声音集合,是创建混合音轨所需的一切。“黑暗维度”的色调较暗,意味十分险恶。Event Horizo​​n专注于科幻和未来派的声音。Terraform是非常完整的脉冲和节奏模式的集合,非常适合我们的管弦乐托盘。无论您是作曲家,词曲作者还是电影制片人,这些声音都将为您提供各种令人难以置信的电影声音。

1.0.0 — 2020-08-19

Legacy is a collection of the best of our first year products consolidated into one incredibly versatile sound design and sound effects product: Scenes from the Multiverse, Event Horizon, Dark Dimensions and Terraform. Scenes from the Multiverse is an impressive collection of sounds, everything you need for creating a hybrid track. Dark Dimensions has a darker tone, intended for very menacing scores. Event Horizon is focused on sci-fi and futuristic sounds. Terraform is a very comprehensive collection of pulses and rhythmic patterns that will fit perfectly with our orchestral pallet. Whether you are a composer, a songwriter, or a filmmaker, these sounds will set you up with a vast range of incredible cinematic sounds.

1.0.0 — 2020-08-19
•Initial release
•Legacy is now based on our new Kontakt engine Pyramid
•Dark Dimensions, Event Horizon, Scenes from the Multiverse and Terraform have been merged into one product

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编曲音源网 » 影视科幻未来音效Audio Imperia Legacy v1.0.0 KONTAKT


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