Cinesamples CineBrass pro Kontakt 影视铜管扩展版(标准入库)

Cinesamples CineBrass Core v1.8 KONTAKT | 11 Gb
CineBrass库是Cinesamplеs用于Kontakt的管弦乐队黄铜样本库。在洛杉矶举世闻名的SONY Pictures Scoring舞台上录制,并由资深传奇人物Dennis Sands混合(盎司:伟大而有力的Argo复仇者联盟,回到未来,阿甘正传,肖申克的救赎,美国美女)。CineBrass具有强大的功能和简便的革命性功能,可再现管弦乐队乐器的声音。该库是由作曲家为作曲家设计的,在开发过程中得到了电影音乐界的直接反馈。结果是一个易于使用,对作曲家友好的黄铜库,并具有无与伦比的记录质量。 CineBrass不需要您购买任何采样软件,并且被许可与免费的Kontakt Player一起使用。您所需要的只是一个音序器,例如Logic,Cubase,Digital Performer,LIVE,Cakewalk甚至Apple GarageBand,这样您就可以正常运行了。您还可以将CineBrass与您喜欢的符号软件(例如Sibelius或Finale)一起使用。CineBrass核心库涵盖了管弦乐队铜管部分的基本内容,并在我们的合成模板中起到了基础作用。 CineBrass中的所有咬接式贴片均包含各种长度和力度以及延音的短裤。我们记录了每个音符的多次重复和多种动态,如下所示:
*八度断奏@ 8xRR p至ff
*四分之一Tenuto @ 4xRR p至ff
*将Marcato减半@ 2xRR p至ff


什么是真正的连奏?真正的连奏意味着我们对每个铜管部分采样了整个范围内所有向上和向下的间隔跳跃。演奏True Legato音色时,它会立即分析您演奏的间隔,然后在音符之间演奏适当的过渡跳线。结果是平滑和逼真的连奏表现。对于所有部分,我们都在2个动态级别上执行此操作,再次使用动态变形从钢琴到fortissimo无缝融合。 True Legato补丁的主要功能是和弦Legato模式。此模式允许您同时播放2个或更多音符的行,同时在所有音符之间保持适当的过渡采样。当弹奏需要以逼真的方式连接的和弦时,此功能特别有效。这些真实的连奏补丁来自完整的发音补丁,可以通过踩下踏板(默认情况下)在完整的发音补丁中触发。我们包括了这些单独的补丁,以方便使用连奏补丁。单独的音色列表:我们包含了简短的和持续的音色分割,这些音色源自完整的发音补丁,因此,如果您想为每个发音使用单独的音轨和乐器,则可以快速将它们拖入以形成自己的MULTI。例如,六角补丁在连音补丁中包含Legato Sustains(八分之一,四分之一)。在一个子文件夹中,我们将它们分开,并将它们设置为默认值(FYI –它仍将加载完整的设置),以形成4个单独的乐器音色。

v1.8 Update Only: 89 Mb
The CineBrass Library is Cinesamplеs’ orchestral brass sample library for Kontakt. Recorded at the world famous SONY Pictures Scoring Stage in Los Angeles, and mixed by veteran legend Dennis Sands (Oz: the Great and Powerful, Argo, Avengers, Back to the Future, Forrest Gump, Shawshank Redemption, American Beauty).

CineBrass is revolutionary in its power and simplicity for recreating the sound of the orchestral brass section. The library was designed by composers, for composers, with direct feedback from the film music community during its development. The result is a brass library that is easy to use, composer-friendly, with unparalleled recording quality. CineBrass does not require you to purchase any sampling software, and is licensed to work with the free Kontakt Player. All you need is a sequencer like Logic, Cubase, Digital Performer, LIVE, Cakewalk, or even Apple GarageBand and you’ll be up and running. You can also use CineBrass with your favorite notation software such as Sibelius or Finale.

The CineBrass Core Library covers the essentials of the orchestral brass section, and functions as a foundation in our composing templates. All of the Articulations Patches in CineBrass contain shorts of various lengths and dynamics, as well as sustains. We recorded multiple repetitions per note and multiple dynamics as follows:
* Eighths Staccato @ 8xRR p to ff
* Quarters Tenuto @ 4xRR p to ff
* Halves Marcato @ 2xRR p to ff
* Sustains with smooth dynamic morphing

Also, all of the mapping in the Articulations Patches is dynamic, so you can select from 5 intuitive presets in the user interface. A custom mapping grid is offered, for users who wish to customize the parameters beyond the presets. Every parameter and value is changeable, and nearly any combination is possible. Of course, if you are not a tweaker, you can stick with one of the 5 preset mappings (recommended).

True Legato Patches
What is True Legato? True legato means that we sampled all of the intervalic leaps throughout the ranges, both upwards and downwards, for each brass section. When you play a True Legato patch, it instantly analyses the intervals you play, then plays the appropriate transitional leap between the notes. The result is a smooth and realistic legato performance. For all sections we did this at 2 dynamic levels, again using our dynamic morphing to blend seamlessly from piano to fortissimo. A key feature of our True Legato patches, is the Polyphonic Legato mode. This mode allows you to play lines of 2 or more notes simultaneously, while maintaining the appropriate transition samples between all notes. This is especially effective when playing chords that need to connect in a realistic way. These true legato patches are taken from the full articulation patches, and can be triggered in the full articulation patches by holding the down the pedal (by default.) We have included these separate patches for ease of access to the legato patches. Separated Patch List: We have included short and sustain patch splits which are derived from the full articulation patches, so that if you want to have separate tracks and instruments for each of the articulations you can quickly drag them in to form your own MULTI. For example the Six Horn Patch has Legato Sustains, eighths, quarters, whole in the articulation patch. In a sub folder we have split each of these and set them as a default (FYI – it will still load the full set) to form 4 separate instrument patches.

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