Ample Sound Ample Bass Acoustic v3.2.0 WiN/MacOSX
成立于1953年的美国Guild吉他公司以制造高品质的原声吉他, 贝司而闻名, 许多著名的吉他手如Slash, Buddy Guy, Eric Clapton等等都使用过Guild的乐器. 这款已停产的B-54 CE更是箱贝司中的上佳作品.
ABA是一款具有实验色彩的产品, 因为在贝司的世界中, 尽管Martin, Fender, Wawick等几乎所有著名厂商, 都在生产箱贝司, 但它还是一种国人较为陌生的乐器. 箱贝司主要出现在民谣, 乡村, Blues, Unplugged等风格的小型乐队中, 更多的与打击乐器配合。箱贝司独具的木质, 温暖, 柔和的音色是其他贝司无法取代的.
ABA 文件体积为 4.89 GB 每弦每品均为真实采样, 不使用生成音; 所有采样自然结束.
指拨(Sustain), 手掌闷音(Palm Mute), 自然泛音(Natural Harmonic), 出入滑音(Slide in & out), 击勾弦(Hammer On & Pull Off), 连奏滑音(Legato Slide), 勾打(Pop & Slap), 死音(Dead Note) 8种演奏法.
通过Legato能实现任意时长, 音高, 复音数的连音.
支持特殊调弦 最低音至B0.
电, 箱两用的新型采样引擎
ABA拥有电, 箱两用的新型采样引擎, 既可以回放Mic部分的采样, 把ABA作为一个纯粹的原声乐器: 也可以回放DI部分的采样, 把ABA作为一款电声乐器来使用. 更重要的是, 用户可以按不同的比例混合, 和分别处理Mic和DI部分, 创造出多种完全不同的声音.
ABA提供了2种立体声, 2种单声道模式, 用户可通过调节不同Mic的音量比例, 立体声宽度等, 获得更多的选择. 立体声模式, 让ABA即使是用于独奏, 也有丰富的表现. 而单声道模式, 让ABA更稳重, 清晰的完成在乐队中低音声部的任务.
Ample Bass的Tab Player支持乐谱中全部的指法, 循环, 段落, 标注等; 结合Ample Bass的播放引擎, 对各种演奏法逻辑进行了精心调整, 可回放出更加逼真的效果; Tab Player对书写得不够完美的乐谱, 通过几个简单的点击, 就可以修正和提升.
多种Capo Logic – 提供多种自动指法逻辑,提供适用于Solo, 和声等不同场景的演奏需要.
String Roll 弦乐卷帘窗, 可以方便的表现指法, 技巧及表情, 甚至演奏噪音. 每一个音符都具有音高, 力度, 长度, 释放力度, 技巧, 连奏, 颤音及推弦8种属性, 可以将弦乐制作得非常细腻.
骰子 动机生成器, 每扔一下骰子, 都会生成一个新的灵感, 这不是简单的随机, 而是 通过大量乐谱分析得出的算法, 帮助用户快速创作.
多格式无损转换, 在Riff, MIDI, Tab多种格式间无损转换, 所有指法, 演奏法, 表情, 人性化设置均可保留.
全新的FX DSP信号处理系统,高阶8 band EQ,可直观控制频响曲线,实时显示输入输出频谱,支持频点Solo功能.
2-Line Compressor,可直接控制压缩曲线,实时显示输入输出波形,RMS\Peak两种检测模式,支持Soft Knee,Auto Release及Auto Makeup等功能.
6 Tap Echo,可将左右声道回声波形实时卷曲,为6个回声点分别设置滤波, Feedback, Pan, Volume等参数.
IR Reverb, 提供Room, Studio, Hall, Large Hall 4种卷积采样混响,可将卷积波形3D显示,并随参数调整实时变化.
Ample Bass Acoustic is a virtual acoustic bass instrument based on samples of a Guild B-54 CE Acoustic Bass.
System Requirements:
* Windows: Windows 7/8/10, 64-bit only (32-bit not supported).
* Mac: 10.9 or newer.
* VST2, VST3, AU, AAX and Standalone host.
* 10 GB Hard Disk, Intel i5 or higher.
* ABA has a 4.89 GB sample library which is naturally recorded on every single fret. No destructive editing and dynamic processing are applied.
* Features 12 articulations: Sustain, Palm Mute, Natural Harmonic, Hammer On & Pull Off, Legato Slide, Slide in & out, Pop & Slap and Dead Note.
* The Legato articulations can be used to achieve legato notes of any duration, speed, pitch and polyphony.
* Alternate Tuning: Ample Acoustic Bass supports alternate tunings to the lowest note B0.
* New sample engine applied to both plugged and unplugged
* ABA is designed from the ground up to be the most versatile bass virtual instrument available today with a new level of expressiveness. ABA not only performs as an extraordinary acoustic instrument by playback partially from mic samples, but also as an electric instrument by playback partially from DI samples, creating a more dynamic and subtle playing experience. Furthermore, users can mix and process Mics and DI separately to get a variety of sound.
* Multiple stereo and mono modes
* For Mic part, ABA provides two stereo and two mono modes. Users can adjust volumes of mics and width to get more options in stereo mode, in which ABA has rich expressiveness even for solo. For mono modes, ABA can play an important role of middle-low end in a band steadily.
* Tab Player
* Redesigned Tab Player for bass tab. All articulations and notations are supported by the tab player. Realistic Tab playback can be achieved through fine parameter adjustments and humanizations.
* Multiple Capo Logics – providing various options of automatic fingering logic to cover different performance such as solo, chorus, and so on.
* String Roll Editor: can clearly show fingering, articulation, expression, and even playing noise. Every note has 8 attributes – pitch, velocity, length, off velocity, articulation, legato, vibrato and bend, with which you can make a delicate lick.
* Dice – Random Riff Generator: A click will create a new inspiration because it is not simply a random algorithm. Rather, it summarizes the rules through analyzing a bunch of music scores.
* High order 8-band EQ, intuitive control of frequency response, real-time visualization of input and output spectrum, support of soloing single band..
* 2-Line Compressor, real-time visualization of input and output signal, two detection modes RMS & Peak, support of soft knee, auto release and auto makeup.
* 6-Tap Echo, real-time visualization of the processing of stereo signal, can tweak the parameters of 6 echo points individually: feedback, pan, volume etc.
* IR Reverb, providing four types of IR: Room, Studio, Hall, and Larger Hall. 3D visualization of IR spectrum.
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编曲音源网 » Ample Sound Ample Bass Acoustic v3.2.0 WiN/MacOSX